Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Trip Home

There is one more story in this journey that I think you will enjoy.  Tim and I left New York this morning for the flight to San Francisco.  Going through security I had taken my liquids and put them in the required plastic bag, computer out, shoes off, etc.  When my small bag came through the agent asked me if she could look through it.  She opened the bag reached in a pulled out my bottle of Barack Obama hot sauce.  Our eyes met in a mixture of sadness and panic.  She was clearly upset about the idea of the precious bottle meeting an ignoble end.  I told her not to worry, but she should see if she could keep it by telling her boss that I gave it to her.  She said she would lose her job if she did that.  Tim suggested putting the bottle up on the x-ray machine with a sign citing it as an example of things you cannot bring onto the plane.  We went over to put our shoes back on and she came running up and told me that they could put it through a special scan and if it was OK I could take it.  It passed and she handed it to me and the security guards all cheered!  It is sitting safely on the stove in Sonoma ready to spice up our lives now that the excitement is over...........

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finally. The Parade

Yes, we did go to the Parade.  In a way.  We had a bus that took us directly from the Swearing In to the Parade.  We had great seats right next to Obama's reviewing stand.  However.  We sat there and sat there and no parade.  It was getting later and later and colder and colder and no parade.  So we tried to leave but were trapped in an area that prevented us from crossing the street to get out.  As we stood there hoping against hope that the Secret Service would let people out and the crowd of people wishing to leave was getting larger and larger.........Suddenly......there were Barack and Michelle walking down the street!  That was a surprise, let me tell you.  We were then released and headed back to change into Ball attire.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Western States Ball

The big party ended with 11 celebrations which are billed as "balls."  I am not sure if you can have a ball for 11,000 people, but we bravely went to see what it was all about.  Tim got into black tie and fortified himself with two cocktails at once.   The big thrill about the balls is that Barack and Michelle show up and dance.  I did wear the brown outfit and it was certainly a stand out.  Most women were in real long strapless numbers with high heels and the whole works.  We didn't stay that long.  It was just unbelievably bizarre.  Kind of like the prom on steroids and the Convention Center could certainly have doubled as the gym.  So, we did it.  
I will send a few follow up blogs with details and some more photos.....but, for now......Obama is in Charge.  On with the show!    

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More about the big day

We had the good fortune to sit in front of Halle Berry.  She was the most lovely and charming person you could hope to meet and was so gracious to all of the hundreds of fans who came up to have their picture taken with her.  Here she is chatting on the phone with Casey Mott - I kid you not. 
We also were stunned looking back at the mall and seeing all of the people - maybe millions of people there to cheer on our new President.  It was really beautiful and quite a sight.  They even climbed up on the statues. 

Tonight, the Western States Ball.  And the brown thing! 

Yes, we did.

We were up at 5 am, waited in lines, rode on buses, pushed through crowds, went through 2 sets of hand warmers, lived on power bars.  And what a small price to pay to bear witness to this incredible event.  We were there for all of our friends and it was a wonderful experience.  One picture, 1000 words.


We went to a benefit dinner last night at the Phillips Collection and Alice Waters was there cooking  for us.  Even Martha Stewart was there.........Off to the Swearing In........

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day of Service

Tent in stadium

Lines of baggers

We ventured out to RFK Stadium today to help make care packages for the troops in Afganistan and Iraq.  They had assembly lines and you took your bag and went down the line with it open and people at each station filled it with their item.  At the end they were sealed and you went around and got in line again.  It was a riot, everyone was dancing and partying on, a wonderful sight.  Someone even brought their dog.   It made you realize what people can do if they get together and decide to do it.  There was also an area for writing letters to the troops.  And we actually took the metro home - picture of me to prove it.    

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Concert

We are really smart.  Instead of getting on the bus at 11:30 to be taken to the Lincoln Memorial to get a seat and wait until the 2:30 start of the concert, your bloggers went back to their hotel, put their feet up and took a break.  At 1:30 we walked to the venue, got through security in 3 minutes and look at where we got to watch the concert!!  Not bad!  
And we are so glad we went.  It was spectacular, perfectly run,  just the right length.  Bruce Springsteen to Garth Brooks,  James Taylor to Stevie Wonder,  tons of great music, lots of actors reading about the various events that have happened leading up to this moment.  Even Tiger Woods spoke!  It was a love fest of the best order.  I don't know how many people were there......we looked back toward the Washington Monument and saw a virtual sea of people.  When Garth Brooks did "Shout" is was quite a sight.  We ARE one.

Gospel Breakfast

This morning we went to the National Building Museum where they were serving breakfast to about 3000 people.  The entertainment was a big group of gospel singers, speakers and even Carol King came on and sang all of her great songs - "Where you lead, I will follow....." etc.  I am attaching a short video to this blog - so hopefully that will give you and idea.  It was perfect for a Sunday celebration of unity.  The speakers made us realize the true repression of black people until this event and how joyful they - and all of us - are for this wonderful expression of UNITED States and a united population.

Fashinista edition

A few notes from last night:  Your bloggers arrived at the party and were a bit "underdressed."  The Democratic Fashionables looked very good, women in high heels and cocktail clothes, men in suits.  I was looking great in my Gaultier jacket, but wore my Uggs.  Tim decided against a tie.  But, we blended in and had fun.  Lots of the ladies were in printed jackets which was a little alarming.  Ben and Donna looked good and Ben took off his signature bow tie in honor of Tim.  There was a gentleman we photographed at the Fairmont later who had on matching socks and sweater with a plaid jacket.  That challenged our fashion outlook.  So far, lots of furs (very undemocratic?) and even some hats.   

First Night in Inauguland

We went to the National Museum of American History for a retirement party for Howard Dean who headed the Democratic National Committee and was instrumental in Obama's campaign.  He is fun and well liked and spoke about the need to change the country and that we now have the opportunity to do that.  The party was actually very spiffy and we got to see the Flag that is called the Stars Spangled Banner that inspired the song.  We also ran into friends from New York, Ben and Donna Rosen.  He is a competing blogger!  Then on to a party at the Convention Center and back to the hotel.  The action is beginning.......

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Touchdown Washington

The train pulled out at 8 am from Penn Station and we were on it.  It was full of interesting people, most going to the big event.  We sat near the charming actor and musician Terrence Howard.  He was very entertaining and said, "I feel sorry for McCain.  I know what that feels like.  You are nominated and you sit there and watch someone else get up and take YOUR Oscar and they hold it all night and you have to watch them.  It's hard!"  We also met two very nice HBO people going down to set up for the Lincoln Center Concert tomorrow.  Union Station was all fancy for the arrival of the Presidential Party who are coming by train. ( Wilmington Station was empty pending the arrival of the train to pick up Joe Biden and there were police all along the route.)  We picked up credentials and we are ready to roll.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Surprise

Leaving tomorrow, but we had to let you know that we were on a conference call with the DNC this morning.  They were explaining to us all the ins and outs of living through this experience and how it all will work and........President Elect Obama came on the line and talked to all of us!  He was telling us about taking the girls to the Lincoln Memorial a few days ago.  As they were reading the inaugural speeches of the various presidents his older daughter said to him, "You're the first African American President to do this.  It had better be good!"  So, he said he was under a lot of pressure.  He really is the most gracious person and thanked everyone for making it possible to put on this great big party.  A nice bonus moment.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

48 Hours to GO

The new update is that if we meet at a predetermined place at 6 am on the morning of the Inauguration we can do through a security check, get on a bus and will be taken to the place where we will view the Swearing In.  Then!  A bus will take us to the viewing stand right across from the new President so we can watch the parade - and him.  So, we will get to do both after all. This sent me right to REI to buy long underwear and mountaineering gloves.  We are going to be there wearing all of our clothes at once and be outside for 9 hours.  I hope there is an opportunity to purchase an Irish Coffee along the way.  

We also learned on a conference call yesterday that there will be 11,000 people at the Western States Ball that night.  They suggested we eat before we go so we don't stand in a "noodle line" for an hour.  So, the voting is in and I am wearing the brown fluffy outfit hoping that the girth of the skirt will give us a little breathing room. ( I am really glad we decided to go to the benefit dinner on Monday night with Alice Waters cooking.  I am hoping it will be a smaller group.)

Next report from the East we go..........  


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Decisions

There was a conference call today with the people who are organizing the events for the inauguration.  So.  We have three choices.  View the Swearing In and arrive at 7 am and sit outside and wait until noon, arrive at 10 am and have a seat in the viewing stands for the parade across from the new President but not see the Swearing In, or be inside in a restaurant drinking bloody marys and watch the Swearing In on TV, then see the parade from the restaurant.  What to do......Be a part of history or a virtual part of history??

So, I decided that I would glue rhinestones on Barack (in this photo) and think about the situation.  My friend Roberta said it reminded her of Damien Hirst, not a bad thing. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Fashion Alert

It's time to start packing and here are the two choices for the Ball, or the Balls.  This is choice number one on the left.  It's kind of a "deconstructivist" look.  Jacket and skirt are brown and have kind of a lot of various pieces of fabric attached to them - in a very artistic way, of course.  The handbag from ebay kind of brings the whole l0ok together, don't you think?

Choice number two on the right is very tasteful, black two piece with American flag pins across the front (only one shown here).  Do you think it's too.....Republican???  It is shiny and makes a more SLIM line......which always deserves a few points.

Send me an email with your vote and I will put it in the suitcase for the main event!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wardrobe decisions

This has been suggested as a wardrobe item for the inauguration.  It is actually authentic and worn by my friend Ann Banks registering voters on the night of the election in Harlem.  I think it might be just the thing for the gospel breakfast!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We Have the Schedule!

At long last we have the schedule of events. Saturday the 17th of January there is a late night event with entertainment at the Convention Center Ballroom. Attire is "Party Casual" - any suggestions on that will be appreciated. Sunday we have a Welcome Gospel Brunch at the Building Museum, a celebration at the Lincoln Memorial that afternoon. Monday there is a breakfast meeting and in the evening we are going to a benefit dinner for the DC Central Kitchen. Tuesday. The Big Day. The official inaugural ceremony, the official inaugural parade, a post swearing in reception. There is also the parade watch and swearing in party. Whew. Then the official inaugural balls of which there are 7 and we will be invited to some of these.

We are pretty sure that it will be "wear all the clothes you can get on" for the outside events. For the black tie balls it is probably a black snowsuit and big jewelry. I will, of course, include a lengthy fashion report at all events. I wonder what Michelle will wear! Next post will be from Washington unless some more exciting information becomes available.........on the road to see Barack Obama become te 44th President of the United States.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Excitement Builds

The excitement is building.  We will arrive New York on the 16th and take the train to Washinton D. C. on the 18th where we will check in to the Fairmont Hotel.  I am already best friends with the concierge!  We got Barack Obama for Christmas and we are on the road to the inauguration.........We will take you along for this history making time.  Waiting to hear about the events and access.......stay tuned.