Sunday, January 18, 2009

Fashinista edition

A few notes from last night:  Your bloggers arrived at the party and were a bit "underdressed."  The Democratic Fashionables looked very good, women in high heels and cocktail clothes, men in suits.  I was looking great in my Gaultier jacket, but wore my Uggs.  Tim decided against a tie.  But, we blended in and had fun.  Lots of the ladies were in printed jackets which was a little alarming.  Ben and Donna looked good and Ben took off his signature bow tie in honor of Tim.  There was a gentleman we photographed at the Fairmont later who had on matching socks and sweater with a plaid jacket.  That challenged our fashion outlook.  So far, lots of furs (very undemocratic?) and even some hats.   


  1. Uggs? umm the jacket sounds great. Plaid is in right now, prints are always a challenge. Underdressed is ALWAYS better than overdressed. More, more, this is the best...a ring side seat.

  2. Yikes....Uggs. Oh well you were probably comfotable and once you sit down none one sees your shoes. Jacket sounds perfect!!
